Braemar: 1938, 1939

The Evening Telegraph of 2nd September had the above notice tucked away at the bottom of the front page – a front page which had headlines like “WORLD AWAITS RESULT OF BRITAIN’S LAST WARNING,”   “HITLER LEAVING BERLIN TODAY”, ” EUROPEAN STATES NEUTRALITY”   There would be no more Games until 1946.   What could have been expected at Braemar in a normal year?   We can see by going back a year to 1938 and seeing what was happening there.

First of all the King and Queen were there, as per usual, it was a day of bright sunshine, many people (70) fainted because of the heat and were treated by the Aberdeen branch of the British Red Cross Society, there was a big crowd (20,000 in the ground by 11:00 am), it was a cosmopolitan crowd with visitors from all over the British Isles, Europe and this year there was a party from China, there were pipe bands (six in total), the clansmen marched and of course there was the Games.

The athlete of the meeting had to be Jim McLellan of Delny, Invergordon, referred to as the World’s Champion athlete, who twice broke George Clark’s record in the 22 lb Hammer.   First he went a full six inches over Clark’s record of 94′ 2″ in the event, then after Clark had equalled the distance, he threw 95′ 5″ to win.   The performance and competition of the day without a doubt.  But look also at the result of Throwing the 16 lb Hammer – only one half inch separated the first two.   Results of the meeting.


100 Yards Scratch Race: 1. W McFarlane; 2. W Gray; 3. J Kennedy; J Millar

100 Yards Handicap: 1. W McFarlane; 2. W Gray; 3. J Kennedy; 4. J Millar

220 yards Final: 1. J Kennedy; 2. W Gray; 3. J Millar; 4. W McFarlane

440 Yards Handicap: 1. J Millar; 2. W Gray; 3. J Kennedy; 4. R Louden

Half Mile: 1. J Bolton; 2.P Kennedy; 3.  J Usher; 4. D Gunn

One Mile Handicap: 1. W Donaldson; 2. P Kennedy; 3. F Annandale; 4. D Gunn 

Girls Race: 1. J McAndrew; 2. M Innes; 3. M Wright

Boys Race: 1. G Richmond; 2. G Gillespie; 3. Gordon Gillespie; 4. HT Gordon


Putting 16lb pound Ball (Society): 1. R Shaw 42′ 1″; 2. T Grant 36′ 8″; 3. H Fraser; 4. D Smith

Putting 16 lb Ball: 1. JH Anderson 45′ 2″; 2. R Shaw 44′ 0″; 3. A Stewart; 4. G Clark

Putting Heavy Stone:  1. G Clark 32′ 10″; 2. R Shaw 30′ 7″; 3. JH Anderson 29′ 10 1/2″; 4. A Stewart 29′ 0″

Throwing 16lb Hammer (Local): 1. R Shaw 107′ 10″; 2. F Grant 103′ 4″; 3. 

Throwing 16 lb Hammer: 1. G Clark 116′ 5 1/2″; 2. J Anderson  116′ 5″; 3. J McLellan; 4. AJ Stewart

Throwing 22 lb Hammer: 1. J McLellan 95′ 5″ * record; 2. G Clark 94′ 8″ *record; 3. J Anderson

Throwing 28 lb Weight: 1. G Clark 68′ 4″; 2. AJ Stuart 64′ 7″; 3. J Anderson 61′ 2 1/2″; 4 H Murray

Throwing 56 lb Weight: 1. G Clark 36′ 3 1/2″; 2. AJ Stuart 32′ 4″; 3. (equal) J McLellan and N Murray 29′ 10″

Tossing the Caber (Society): 1. R Shaw; 2. D Richards; 3. F Grant; 4. H Fraser

Tossing the Caber (open) 1. J Millar; 2. W Gray; 3. J Kennedy; 4. R Louden


Running Long Leap: 1. H Banks 20′ 4″; 2. W Beattie 19′ 8″; 3 and 4 (equal) J Bolton and A Wilkie

Running High Leap: 1. J Wilkie and H Banks (equal) 5′ 7″; 2. Ogilvie and Marshall (equal) 

Vaulting with Pole: 1. J Muir; 2. JL Spooner; 3. A Marshall; 4. TW Spooner

Wrestling Cumberland Style: 1. G Clark; 2. J Anderson; 3. NH Murray; 4. R Spoode

… and most of the ‘heavies’ took part in the Cumberland style wrestling.

22 events in total; Boys and girls, men from the locality and in the open category there were competitors from all over Scotland as well as from the North of England.   It had been a very good day’s sport in brilliant weather, see the photograph below, with no hint about what was to come the following year or that there would be no more Braemar Gatherings until 1946.   


Braemar: 1930

The Gathering and the Games continued through the 1920’s with the sport gradually increasing its share of the Press’s attention.   The obstacle race, shown above, had been incorporated to add some jollity to the day – and in 1930 the jollity was needed.   The weather was really bad with so much rain that the King and Queen, although staying Braemar at the time, did not come to the sports, sending Lord and Lady Carnegie in their place.   The photographs below show what the weather was like.



Given the dirty weather, and the absence of the ‘real’ royalty can go straight to the results as printed in the Scotsman on the Friday.   No doubt about the star of the show 0 George Clark was the man and this time the times, heights and distances for the first three in all events is shown.

220 yards race (Local & Society): 1. I Christie; 2.  R Milne; 3.  W Croll; 4. D Munro

440 yards Race: 1. J Edwards; 2. J Duffy; 3. J Bolton; 4. C McCallum

Quarter Mile Race: 1. J Christie; 2. D Munro; 3. J Gilbert; 4. W Croll

Half Mile Race: 1. J Bolton; 2. A Scally; 3. C McCallum; 4. J Duffy

One Mile Race: 1. A Scally; 2. A Chalmers; 3. J Bolton; 4. D Munro

Clansmen’s Race: 1. J Duncan; 2. W Bremner; 3. W Paterson; 4. C Grant 

Obstacle Race: 1. W Livingston; 2. J Christie; 3. W Stewart; 4. J Gilbert


Putting the Stone (Local): 1. Ian Grant 26’0″; 2.R Shaw 23′ 10 1/2″; 3. P Davidson 23′ 6 1/2″; 4. F Grassick

Putting the Stone (Society) 1. Ian Grant; 2. R Shaw; 3. P Davidson; 4. F Grassick 

Putting 16 lb Ball (Local): 1. R Shaw 38′ 11″; 2. I Grant ; 3. W Duguid 31′ 8″; F Grassick 31′ 7″

Putting the 16 lb Ball: 1. G Clark 42′ 11 1/2″; 2. R Shaw 40′ 4″; 3. B Spode 37′ 8 1/2″; 4. G Mitchell 36′ 11

Putting 28 lb Stone: 1. G Clark 29′ 11″; 2. R Shaw 26′ 0″; 3. J Graham; 4. G Mitchell

Throwing 28 lb Weight: 1. G Clark 69′ 1 1/2″; 2. AJ Stewart; 3. R Shaw; 4. G Mitchell

Throwing 56 lb Weight: G Clark 36′ 1 1/2″ *record; 2. AJ Stewart 28′ 9″; 3. J Nicholson 28′ 0″; 4. G Mitchell 27′ 9″

Throwing 16 lb Hammer (Local): 1. R Shaw; 2. I Grant; 3. P Davidson; 4. J Farquharson

Throwing 16 lb Hammer (Open): 1. G Clark 117′ 3″; J Anderson 2. 108′ 9″; 3. AJ Stewart 109′ 4″; 4. G Mitchell 105′ 4″

Throwing 16 lb Hammer (Society): 1. R Shaw; 2. I Grant; 3. P Davidson; 4. J Gilbert

Throwing the 22 lb Hammer: 1. G Clark 94′ 2″ * record; 2. G Mitchell; 3. J Anderson; 4. AJ Stewart

Tossing the Caber (Society): 1. R Shaw’ 2. I Grant; 3. P Davidson; 4. F Grassick

Tossing Caber: 1. J Anderson; 2. G Clark; 3. J Nicholson; 4. G Mitchell


Long Leap (Local) 1. W Croll 16′ 10″; 2. A Fraser; 3. J Wilson; 4. W Cameron

Long Leap (Open): 1. R Dodds; 2. J Edwards; 3. R Shand; 4. J Masson

High Leap (Local): 1. A Fraser; 2. J Gillespie; 3. J Wilson; 4. W Cameron

High Leap (Open): 1. G Masson 5′ 6″; 2. J Masson; 3. J Edwards; 4. J Gilbert and A Melvin

Hop, Step & Leap: 1. J Masson; 2. G Masson; 3 W Livingston; 4. J Edwards

Vaulting with Pole: 1. J Muir and C Dunn (equal) 10′ 0″; 2. WJ Chalmers, J Gillespie and A Melvin (equal)

+ Wrestling Cumberland Style: 1. J Nicholson; 2. G Mitchell; 3. G Clark; 4. J Anderson

There was an article in the paper before the meeting on what the athletes in former days had to do, there being no or very little motorised traffic, to get to and to perform at their best at the Games.    It is well worth a read – chaps walking 25 miles to compete, doing several events and doing 25 miles back again to be at their work the next morning.   Just click on the link.   It does not in any way demean what these athletes in 1930 did – George Clark set two records on the day, took part in five more events, winning them all, and then competed in the wrestling!   Looking over the results, I’m not sure what the difference was between the 440 yards race and the quarter mile event but the results were different!   And the heavy merchants had a putting the 28 lb stone and also a throwing the 28lb weight with 40 feet difference in the distances thrown.   

It was another good meeting despite the weather and the absence of the King and Queen and the Braemar Games had started on another decade.

Braemar: Centenary Year: 1926


The cutting above tells the story.   The Games celebrated their centenary in September 1926 and the King and Queen were there to see it.   The weather was not at its best, but as the headline says, the crowds turned out in force.   The Press pointed out that Braemar was once a local event but the motor car changed that.   Among the vehicles spotted were Rolls Royce, Daimler, charabanc, motor cycle and combination, plus of course ‘the humble push bike’.   The village itself was described by one local as a huge parking place.   Everywhere in the village there were visitors trying to buy souvenirs, even the Post Office was full.   A stall selling a book on the history of the Games was sold out very quickly.   

The Games themselves went off well with events that were confined to locals, confined to members of the Society and open events.   There were many athletes with multiple successes:

J Maitland won four events; F Grassick and J Edwards won three events; R Milne, B Smith, R Starkey and Ian Grant won two events each.   But many athletes competed in a whole plethora of events.   eg. Starkey took part in a total of 7 events, all throws, but he didn’t stop there.   He also took part in the Cumberland style wrestling where he was beaten for first place by J Nicholson and had George Clark behind him in third place.  Ian Grant also did seven.  F Grassick was in action five times in the course of the afternoon. And many more athletes had similarly demanding schedules.

The Invercauld Highlanders marching in to the arena

The results of the Games Events, there were 10 races, 14 Heavy events and 5 Jumps (29 in all):

Girls Race: 1. Bella McIntosh; 2. Lizzie Young; 3. Alice Armstrong.  Boys Race: 1. Jas Christie; 2. Alex Thain

Obstacle Race: 1. JM Morrice; 2. DJ Edwards; 3. J Aitken; 4. W Gray

Boys three legged race: A Thain & J Christie

Sack Race (Local and Society): 1. R Milne; 2. J Gillespie; 3. J Gilbert; 4. J Munro

Sack Race Over Hurdles: 1. R Milne; 2. J Morrice; 3. J Lenie; 4. J Christie

Clansmen’s Race (Over 55 years of age): 1. J Duncan; 2. G Beddie; 3. D Grant; 4. C McIntosh

200 Yards Race: 1. J Edwards (22 sec); 2. G Taylor; 3. R Bennet; 4. J Drummond

Quarter Mile Race (Local and Society): 1. W Gray; 2. W Croll; 3. R Milne; 4. J Gilbert

Half Mile Race (Open): 1. B Smith 2 min 05 sec; 2. R Bennet; 3. J Drummond; 4. J Edwards

Two Miles Race: 1. B Smith; 2. R Bennet; 3. F Tate; 4. Hector


Heavy Stone (Local): 1. Ian Grant 24′ 5″; 2. F Grassick 23′ 5″; 3. A Innes 21′ 9 1/2″; 4. G Simpson

Heavy Stone (Society): 1. BK Michie 25′ 2″: 2. J Davidson 24′ 6 1/2″; 3. Ian Grant 24′ 5″; 4. F Grassick 23′ 5″

Putting 16 lb ball (Local): 1. F Grassick 35′ 2″; 2. Ian Grant 34′ 5″; 3. A Innes 31′ 5″; 4. G Simpson 30′ 6″

Putting 16 lb ball (Society): 1. R Starkey 40′ 8″; 2. M Michie 89′ 8″; 3. J Graham; 4. J Maitland

Putting the Stone 28 lb: 1. R Starkey 28′ 2. J Graham 27′ 5″; 3. J Nicholson 27′ 1″; 4. M Michie 26′ 9 1/2″

Throwing 18 lb Weight: J Maitland 62′ 8″; 2. R Starkey 61′ 9 1/2″; 3. WW Fergueon; 4. Graham 55′ 6″

Throwing 56 lb Weight: 1. J Maitland 32′ 1″; 2. WW Ferguson 31′ 3″; 3. R Starkey; 4. J Nicholson

Throwing 16 lb Hammer (Local): 1. Ian Grant 95′ 1″; 2. F Grassick 88′ 4″; 3. W Innes; 4. W Jamieson

Throwing 16 lb hammer (Society): 1. J Davidson 100′ 11″; 2. J Kennedy 99′ 4″: 3. J Gilbert 95′ 6″; 4. Ian Grant 95′ 1″

Throwing 16 lb Hammer (Open): 1. J Maitland 112′ 10″; 2. R Starkey 105′ 10″; 3. G Clark 104′ 1″; 4. WW Ferguson 101′ 2″

Throwing 22 lb Hammer: 1. J Maitland 90′ 6″; 2. R Starkey 83′ 7″; 3. G Clark 83′ 4″; 4. WW Ferguson

Tossing the Caber (Local): 1. F Grassick ; 2. Ian Grant; 3. A James; 4. A Jamieson

Tossing the Caber (Society): 1. F Grassick; 2. DH Michie and Ian Grant equal; 3. J Davidson

Tossing the Caber: 1. 1. J Nicholson; 2. R Starkey; 3. Maitland and Michie (equal)


Running Long Leap (Local): 1. W Croll 15′ 7″; 2. J Munro 15′ 5″; 3. G Gillespie 15′ 1″; 4. 15′

Hop, Step and Jump: 1. J Edwards 41′ 2″; 2. W Lenie 41′ 3″; 3. Hector 39′ 10″; 4. Cruikshank 38′ 7″

Running High Leap (Local): 1. G Thomson 5′ 1″; 2. J Gillespie 5′ 0″; 3. G Simpson 4′ 11″; 4. W Croll 4′ 9″  

High Leap: 1. J Edwards 5′ 6″; 2. W Lenie 5′ 5″; 3. G Aitken; 4. J Gilbert

Vaulting with Pole: 1. J Cameron and A Sinclair (equal) 10′ 3″; D Tulloch and A Lawson (equal) 10′ 1″

Braemar was 100 years old and in the course of that time it had made many innovations – some worked (as with the boys and girls races) and some were dropped after several years (such as the hurdles race over 13 hurdles and ending with a swim over the river).   Centenary Year was significant for the fact that the BBC was there broadcasting the event to the nation.   The picture above is evidence of that.   The programme was on the radio from 2:45 to 4:00 pm.

The photograph below is of cars waiting their turn to get over the Devil’s Elbow on their way to the Games – we are told that it was just as difficult for the  on the way home 

The Games were still up and running!



Braemar: 1920 & 1921

Above we see the Royal Party arrive at the Games on Thursday, 9th September 1920, at the second Gathering after the Great War.

The Gathering and the Games had started up again in 1919 with the King and Queen present at a wonderful day of sport at a time when life was not really so pleasant for the population.   The event had lost none of its attractiveness to sports enthusiasts or to socialites – with the latter probably dominant.   An estimated crowd of 10,000 according to the P & J but 15,000 according to the Courier, special trains from Aberdeen to Ballater; the first two cars arrived at twenty minutes to six in the morning having travelled from South Perthshire having travelled through the night; altogether 4655 motor vehicles of all kinds were said to be there – motor cars, motor cycles, char-a-bancs in big numbers were all there.   There were at least 50 ordinary business motor trucks from which the bodies had been removed and the chassis had temporary wooden flooring with rows of benches on it.   The Highlanders were of course present representing their own clans but marching together to the Park.   There were 38 Balmoral Highlanders, 60 Duff clansmen and 50 Farquharsons bearing claymores.   The Royal family enjoyed the afternoon with the Queen asking for an encore of the Juvenile Highland dancing.   

From the Leven Advertiser & Wemyss Gazette, 2nd September

Below, from Aberdeen Daily Journal, 2nd September

But what of the annual Games?   Many of the names are familiar, some will continue to appear as the 20’s roll by, just note the  all-round ability of McHardy and Michie, or the heavy events work done by Grassick.   

But here below are the results of the 1920 version as printed in the Glasgow Herald of 10th September 1920.

Whether you accept the 10,000 spectator number or the 15,000 figure it was a successful meeting amid the difficulties that the country was facing socially and politically.   How would 1921 treat the Gathering?


By 1921, when the Games were held on 28th September, they were back in full swing as though there had been no interruption at all.  See the picture above.  The King and Queen were absent but the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York and Prince Henry were all present and warmly welcomed by the crowd.   Spectators were down in number on the previous two years, somewhere between 8000 and 9000, as was the number of motor cars which were estimated at betwenn 800 and 900 com,pared with over 1000 in 1920.   The Gathering however was reported to a resounding success both socially and as an athletics meeting.   The opening event was the march of the highlanders – the Balmoral, Duff and Farquharson Highlanders – therough the town to the Games Field with each man carrying his pike, Lochaber axe or claymore.   

The Games started at 11 o’clock with the usual two classes – open and confined to locals.   The guests started to arrive and among them in 1921 was Sir Harry Lauder.   The Princess Royal arrived at approx 2:45 and five minutes later came the three Princes.   The Party stayed until about half past four, when they departed driven through two lines of Highlanders to the patriotic cheers of the crowd.   Once they had gone, most of the motor cars left too; their principal attraction gone.   More than five entire columns of the broadsheet Aberdeen Daily Journal were given over to the names of dignitaries present, both local and from further afield, and more than a column of that was descriptions of the women’s attire ‘by our Lady Representative.’   eg Mrs Ireland had a black coat frock, and a black straw hat with a white osprey and a black skunk fur.

The Games had 26 athletic events including a Clansmen’s Race confined to competitors aged 55 and over.   There were also races for boys and girls and all-in-all it was a very ‘inclusive’ meeting.   None of the prize lists that we saw had the actual times, heights or distances unfortunately.   The main thing thoug, is that the Games were back – and the royal patronage continued.

Braemar: 1919 Braemar Revival

The Games returned after the 1914-1918 War on 4th September 1919 and everyone celebrated that return.   The Aberdeen Journal of 5th September that year celebrated with the following article (so long that it had to be reproduced in two sections) and another long account on a different page.

There were also articles on who was there – the creme de la creme of course since the King and Queen were there – and what they were wearing, who presented the prizes and comments on the sport.   

The photograph below speaks for itself. The distance from Aberdeen to Braemar was estimated at 60 miles and according to the Journal, it was crowded all the way with motor cars and buses.   There were of course several accidents – eg. one at Dinnet where one car collided with another and, because he was looking at that one there was another collision at the same spot when the inattentive driver ran into another car.   Then a motor cycle and sidecar came a cropper at the Pass of Ballater with both occupants being thrown off, one car with two wheels missing was left at the side of the road and several others were being towed.  

Unfortunately the numbers of marchers were down on 1913 – the Duffs and Farquharsons were fewer in number with many of their ranks having been lost in battle.   ‘They had lost nothing of their ardour’ however.   Numbers generally were high though.   

The Games were, and still are, a local event as well as a national, and at times international feature of the week – and although there was no Veteran Harriers Club, or Masters competition or age group awards, there were still enthusiasts like the septuagenarian below.

The report on the sports is below and it is very brief compared to the coverage of the royal party and the other attractions on the day – although we have to remember that it was not called the Braemar Gathering for nothing.   The whole day, indeed week, was involved with social events, many day trippers, special trains were packed and char-a-bancs were all in action – with taxi drivers offering their services for the occasion, the Games were only part of the celebrations.   The Aboyne Games were traditionally held on the Wednesday with Braemar one day later, always on the Thursday, and that added to the week’s fun.   1919 in particular after the dreadful carnage of the War with its huge loss of life was forgotten – or almost forgotten – for the time being. 

The actual results of the meeting were as follows:


Although the weather had been fine in the morning, it dulled down a bit at the start of the afternoon and then there was some drizzling rain.   The Royal Party stayed on for a bit before leaving, serenaded by the pipes and cheered by the crowd of spectators.   The Gathering and the Games were back!

Braemar 1948: Centenary of Royal Patronage

Royal patronage for any business is rewarded with the appropriate crest above the door and is an honour not easily gained.  100 years of royal patronage was  prized by the Braemar Games orgnaising committee and the Games aspect of the Gathering really celebrated the connection.   The Press & Journal published this article on 9th Septelber, 1948.


1948 was, as has been said, the centenary of the royal patronage of the Gathering and it was a notable one.   There were lots of photographs of the occasion – almost entirely of the Royal Family, and mostly in the Aberdeen Press & Journal.    The paper even printed a photograph of Queen Victoria at Braemar in in the article above in 1855).   The difference with the photograph below is easily seen – posed but not as obviously as in the 19th century picture, no small children, and taken in the Royal Box rather than posed with a rustic background.   The connection and tradition carried on.

The King and Queen were presented with a gift from the people of Braemar in recognition of the occasion – the gift was of two hill walking sticks with carved rams horn handles, as shown in the photograph below. One for the King and another for the Queen as a silver wedding gift.  Spectators came from all over the countryside and from beyond too.   There were spectators from France, the Argentine, Kenya and some from Denmark who arrived on horseback from Bridge of Earn.   Noted as a picturesque figure was 26 year old Linden Dial from Long Beach in California, a Mormon missionary who cycled from Aberdeen via the Aboyne Games, wearing a white baseball cap.   Another to merit individual notice was Mr Edward Beckingham from British Columbia who was Scottish born and had emigrated in 1919.

Locally, there were many from all over Scotland  eg there was a huge contingent from Fife, and the manager of bus company W Alexander said that bookings for Braemar were so tremendous that they could not possibly accommodate all the parties that wanted to make the trip.  The first bookings were made just after the New Year and they increased steadily as the summer approached.   A total of 75 buses left the towns and villages of Fife on the day.   There were 300 people from Perth and two buses from Auchterarder had 11 spectators over the age of 70.   As the French party said, “It was ‘formidable'”.

A record crowd of 30,000 had been present at the 1947 Games but that was exceeded by an estimated 5000 additional spectators.   The royal party stayed for 90 minutes and at the end the pipers played “Happy we’ve been a’ th’gither”.

The weather on the day was brilliant sunshine and all that the competitors could want, there was a big crowd, the opposition was there too and the atmosphere must have been electric. 

The competitions were as close as ever with several established athletes taking part – the headline performer was George Clark who was a regular at the Games as a heavy athlete, his close rival James McLellan was there again as was A Stewart from Oban, and note that T Scott (Inchmurrin) was second in the long jump.   

  • Replying to a questionnaire in September 1986, Tom McNab had this to say of George Clark: 

 “I met George Clark, one of the throwers of that period, a couple of years back.   He was putting 46′ and throwing 120′ in the hammer back in the 1920’s and 30’s.   He was still competing in the early 1950’s and was the first throw the Braemar Caber when he was over 50.   A wonderful man!   Clark is a classic example of the ‘agricultural strength’ of the classic Highland Games athlete.

Agricultural strength?

Yes.   It’s the type of strength gained through daily manual labour, quite different from the elastic strength of the modern weight-trained athlete.   I asked Clark if there was any athlete of his period who could compare with the modern throwers.   He said only one, the great AA Cameron who had retired by the 1920’s when Clark was coming to his best.   Cameron was credited with a putt of 55′ 8″ back in the early 1900s.

Do you accept this?

No, if only because it in no way relates to his other putts which were in the sub-50′ area.   Indeed there is no record of Cameron ever putting over 50′ with a genuine 16 lb shot on level ground.   But he was clearly a magnificent athlete, regularly clearing 5′ 0″ in the standing high jump.

  • And of course Tom and his brother Jay would be successful competitors on the circuit for many years to come with Jay in particular being a superb all-round athlete.   McNab has this to say of Jay: 

    What was Jay Scott capable of?

    He cleared about 1.90metres in the high jump, just short of 7 metres in the long jump, and just over 14 metres in the triple.   But he could also throw 14 metres in the shot, run a hundred yards in close to evens, and toss the shafted hammer about 37 metres!

    These are good marks but dn’t look fantastic by today’s standards?

    No, but you must remember the conditions under which they were performed, football pitches or more often rough farmers’ fields.   Jay Scott was, in my view, one of the greatest Scottish athletes of all time: no question of it in my mind.

    He seems to have made a great impact on you?

    Jay Scott had a wonderful athletic charisma.   He was the essence of athleticism, tall and good looking, with a beautiful animal quality in all his movements.   He was simply marvellous.


The two pictures below give some impression of the numbers – one from inside the ground and the other from a low flying plane.


There was even a parking map printed in the P & J for the guidance of the many motorists who were expected to attend.


Braemar: 1946 & 1947

Picture from Press & Journal

The 1946 Gathering prompted a letter from the Marquess of Aberdeen, Lord Lieutenant of the County, complaining about the traffic arrangements for those attending by motor car.   A Committee was set up.   The Games went ahead, but with steady rainfall throughout.   It was the first Games after the War though and their majesties were present, welcomed by the Marquess of Aberdeen, for just over an hour.   The Scotsman for Friday, 6th September, 1946, started its report as follows.

The Duchess of Kent with her children, the Duke of Kent and the Princesses Michael and Alexandra, were there too and seemed to enjoy the sport.  The results however as published by the ‘Scotsman’ –

Despite the weather, the meeting was a success – certainly if the smiles of the Royal couple below are anything to go by.    

The Royal tradition from the early days of Queen Victoria’s reign in really significant.   The royals all seem to enjoy the day (picture above from 1947), and it does indeed make the Games part of the Gathering different from any other in the country.   There was one disappointment on the day however as the P & J says below

The clothing coupons were the bane of everyone’s life at the time.   Athletes were having difficulty getting vests and shorts – how do you tell your family that they can’t get a pair of much needed shoes, or trousers or skirts or whatever because you were using the clothing coupons for a harriers vest?  There were some ways round it – asking former runners to hand back their old vests was one, but it was much more difficult getting the full highland rig out on coupons.   The March of 1000 pipers is one of the features of Cowal Games and the pipers are always popular; losing the march from the programme was unfortunate.

The weather in 1947 was better than in 1946, but the Royal Family were present, and the march was back.   And as a piece of social history, have a look at the number of cars in the picture above that were used by the local population to get there.    


Picture from The Courier & Advertiser

The Royal family was there again on a dull day which turned to drizzle in the afternoon, but nevertheless the crowd was estimated to be at about 30,000.   The King’s interest was in evidence when he started up a discussion with Mr John Michie, President of the Royal Braemar Society, about having more events confined to local athletes – the number of events for them that year was only 4 in a programme of 45 events.    The march of clansmen was not in evidence but the march of the pipers was there to ne seen and had over 100 pipers.   Interest in the Games was intense – note the following from the Forfar Dispatch.

The various newspapers provided many photographs despite the prevailing weather and some from the Aberdeen Press & Journal are reproduced here.   Results:

A good time was had by all but what was to come in 1948 – the centenary of Royal patronage of the Gathering?

Another General View, from The Scotsman this time.


Braemar: 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914

The 1911 Games, held on Thursday 7th September, had 13 athletic events on the programme.   On the track there were a girls race, a boys race, a 200 yards race, a 350 yards race, a half mile, two miles, an obstacle race and a sack race; Heavy events included open events at throwing the hammer, putting the stone, tossing the caber and local events at throwing the hammer, tossing the caber, the Society’s stone and hammer; the jumping events had open competition in the long leap, high jump and vaulting.   The entire Glasgow Herald list is reproduced below but there was a long article on the social side of the meeting at which the King and Queen again in attendance elsewhere in the paper and a good attendance of local people.   Special trains brought people from Aberdeen and Deeside and all roads led to Braemar with other sports including shooting abandoned for the day.   The Royal family were interested in the events and particularly the tug o’war between the Highlanders and the chauffeurs which was won by the Highlanders.   They were present between 3:30 and just after 5:00 pm. 

Another very good day for the Games.   Into 1912 and 

From the Aberdeen Daily Journal, September 5th, 1913

“A brilliant chapter was added to the history of the Braemar Gathering yesterday.   From daybreak until the day closed there no untoward circumstance marred the success of the meeting.   The weather – all important for such an event – was ideal for the great assemblage of spectators, if somewhat warm for the athletes who struggled for supremacy on the green sward of the Princess Royal Park. …….. The beautiful weather seconded the desire of many to be present to witness the clandmen’s welcome to the King and Queen and their family and from all directions – on foot, in horse-drawn vehicle, on cycle, foot-pedalled or motor driven, in motor car or motor ‘bus – thousands of people of both sexes, young and old, converged on the picturesque village of Braemar, nestling in the heart of the mountains. ……. The march of the warlike clansmen, in full Highland garb, led by swaggering pipers, with stalwart bearers holding their standards aloft; the beat of the drums, the skirling of the pipes, the glitter of claymore, Lochaber axe, and pike; the proximity to the historic braes of Mar, all reminiscent of the days when Highlanders fought and bled, and suffered for the Stuart cause, thrill even the time hardened visitor who has seen the muster and the march often before.”   That’s only a taste of the report in the Aberdeen Press & Journal on the day.   It does recreate the sense and atmosphere of occasion – and that’s before the royal family appear on the scene.   Braemar still has the sense of something special and athletes of the 21st century are heirs to that tradition.   The results of the actual games were as follows:

And in the local events –



From the Aboyne Games but the scenes, away from the Royals, at Braemar would not have been much different


Hostilities in the First World War began in September, 1914 so there were no Games or Gathering then.   The Aberdeen Press & Journal reported thus:

The Games were of course restarted after the War.