Denis Bell’s Pictures: 3

Many more to come, but  his time we start with 

a Haddington road race 322; 

75, don’t know but it wis sair!

Sco Vest 17…Snowdonia 1988, 16th behind Dermot by 15 secs

With his friend, Adrian Bone

Below: two more of Adrian

Above: Adrian and Denis going up Llanberis Pass at about 5 or 6 miles

Below: “Adrian turning to go up the fierce climb at about 20-22 miles, to the old quarry, [equally steep run-off down to the Llanberis side and last couple on miles to finish…]

Having a ‘cuppa’ and sharing of experience.


Come and Try Day at Old Kilpatrick (above and below)

Group includes Denis, Christine Menhennet, Brian Potts and Ian Murphy

Brian Edridge, Christine Menhennet and Ian Murphy

Below: A few Cross-Country events (Kirkcaldy and maybe Falkirk or Borders?)


On Ben MacDhui.

Haddington ELP Presentation with Yvonne Murray


Receiving his first first .veteran trophy

First Senior

A summer race

Some Thoughts on Hill Running Training

Denis Bell credits Eddie O’Neill with introducing him to the hill running which became the  only sport for him.   Many years later, Eddie (who now has his own excellent blog on the subject) asked Denis for his thoughts on training for hill running.   Denis wrote them out longhand and they are reproduced here in that format for a variety of reasons, but read and inwardly digest the following.

There seems to be an emphasis on the specificity of training in the above and this is also one of the aspects of training for hill running that emerges from  these two extracts for the further correspondence

(a)  About 8-10 hours….
Possibly 30-40 minutes at lunchtime, and up to about 1-11/2 hours at night (towards the top end if I hadn’t run at lunchtime).  Lunchtime session would typically be ‘quick’ or wee hill reps or running routes where there were steps involved (power up quick…. concentration descending them quickly)
I always had a day off every week. 
I would always try not to stress myself (tired or frazzled muscles) going into a race. If it was a long race I’d try to load and hydrate as if for a marathon. If no racing for a week or two then get in longer runs…. but always mindful of a taper to try and get in there decently fresh and with good appetite…
On the hills it became better to think hours than distance, to allow for the very varied terrain.. my marathon times were about 75-80 mpw… in the hills it was more like ‘maybe 40mpw’ but about same time 8-10 hours of good commitment.  I always trained ‘fast and quicker’ rather than ‘grind out the hours over bigger distances’ (largely to do with my personal approach but also family time constraints). 
A key was reading the body mood and form… occasionally I could very quickly recover from anything I’d done (purple patch), but other times I just knew I had to throttle back and not go deep into the bank and leave myself short for racing….    I also would know what type of terrain and would sometimes load up descending practice to get the muscle groups best attuned….    All on the hoof Eddie with no formal structure, but the calendar always drove me to consider what my season would be like and I could foresee it all the 8 months ahead (March[Carnethy] to early November [Tinto]) and always thought about the week or two immediately ahead and specifically what that race would need.   My calendar was between 16-24 races a year (champs, selection, internationals, and ‘classics’) so from maybe 32 race weekends you can see I was very selective. I needed to do well in every single one, for points and vests (and even the classics [often with an international ‘feel’]where you knew you were against the best over superb courses, so that was fellow peer ‘kudos’)

(b)   There’s a wonderful track up a very good slope just at the bottom end of the Hopes Reservoir.

I used to run it and recall something like 11 minutes up and 5 mins down(full tilt, part of the grind to keep going, then immediately turn and thrash myself down. I was already fit of course. I think I used to do these in 3s…..
I’d say decently gentle slopes to start with, and be careful not to run down too hard and trash the legs. Push up the way and ensure you ‘go over the top’ then turn and relax coming down, as recovery or pushing if you want to get harder descending legs…
2 minutes sustained up enough to get going etc….
But if you are on big hills got to decide ‘sustain a run as much as poss, or do race-walking if a bit too steep (as you feel fit/ strong enough or not)
My local reps route was Fa’side Castle…..
I used to do downs and ups in ‘about 5m 15s’ and take the gap to the 1/2 minute to go again. So virtually no recovery bits…
Started with 3, then following week5, then following 8…. a wee campaign of building; these were again when I was fit, training for Snowdonia Marathon, before I became a hulk runner.
The most rewarding session ever was when I did 12 reps in just under the hour….I amazed myself, no recovery breaks at all, turn-go! …. I Remember at 3 ‘ow’…5 half way to target of 10 (good but really tough)… got to 8 ‘settled’ (I will do this) pushed on to10 well under the hour (wow, going great)  thinking I’ll grab another 2 to 12, and did it!!! (tail end focus and probably a bit of Adrenalin rush…).
To roll up after good sessions of 5m10-5m15s then smash it all to do 12 sub 5s was amazing!!! 
With full power on Eddie, I could run all the way up Ben Lomond ( standard route) and all the way the Ptarmigan route, excepting about 50-100 metres of the west facing crags (scrambling) . I was training Ben Lomond in less than 1h15m and 1.25 on the Ptarmigan route(fair bit more ascent)….
I needed to, I wanted to.. the fear of my competitors was strong ….





Index to Hill Running Posts

Hill Running is as much an endurance Sport as are the longer road, track and cross-country disciplines.   Indeed there has been a degree of overlap in recent years with established track and country runners like Bobby Quinn and Tommy Murray representing Scotland in the world mountain running championships, and the contribution by Don Ritchie has been noteworthy.   Accordingly there are pages on this website dealing with the events, people and other features to do with the hill running scene .    To make it easy to access these contributions, this index is to meet that need.    Just click on the item and you will be taken there.


Mel Edwards, Hill Runner      Angela Mudge   .Don Ritchie . Eddie Campbell . Pete Duffy, Bill Gauld . Phil, Colin, Jack , Penny, Bobby and Tommy . Sonia and Sue . Bobby Shields, Jim Shields, Brian Finlayson


Lairig Ghru   .The Ramsay Round .  Stuc a Chroin    Dumgoyne  . Ben Nevis Race



The Alternative Championships   Training for Hill Running  Cosmic Hillbashers   . Lore of the Scottish Hill Races . 


.Denis Bell’s Photographs 1      Denis Bell’s Photographs 2   .    Denis Bell’s Photographs 3   

John Hepburn’s Photographs  1   John Hepburn’s Photographs 2   John Hepburn’s Photographs 3

Angela Mudge’s Photographs 1   Angela Mudge’s Photographs 2   Angela Mudge’s Photographs 3



Denis Bell’s Pictures: 2

Some more of Denis’s pictures in the red and white of HELP, including some taken at Carnethy in the snow.  But we start with Carnethy in the Snow!

Carnethy, 1993:  1st Veteran.   Race winner: Neil Wilkinson, 1st Lady: Helen Diamantides

Below:  Off West Lomond on the way to Victory!

An Early SHRA Champs: Alan Farningham, Andy Curtis, Robin Morris, Jim Stephenson, Dermot McGonigle and Denis 

Below: Ian Davidson and John Wilkinson added Dermot’s Champs?

A Prize at Haddington

Snowdonia International

Scott Matheson on Berwick Law

More on N Berwick Law

Roger Blamire, Matt Ogston, Andy Kitchin?..cupface?,Andy Curtis, …?(just -off pic Alan Farningham and one of his boys)

Below:  HELP at Neilson Park:  


Roger Blamire, Matt Ogston, Andy Kitchin?..cupface?,Andy Curtis, …?(just -off pic Alan Farningham and one of his boys)

HELP at Neilson Park:  

Up on the Campsies probably 10+ years ago (2010), so out of competition for some time but still running..might be on Earl’s Seat or thereabouts…






The Alternative Hill Racing Championship.

The hill running scene was like any other sport organised by a governing body of an internationally recognised sport in that there were championships where the fastest runners were first, second and third, and subsequently there were races within races to find the fastest Junior athletes and then further along the time line there were awards for the older competitors which again had their own championships as well.   This was despite the fact that there would have been no championships at all – indeed no races at all – were it not for the vast bulk who ran week in, week out with never a thought of a prizes of any colour.   Maybe there would be a handicap or spot prize here and there if the handicapper was kind to you.   There was an ever increasing fixture list which just grew and grew.   Look at these figures:

1985:  43 races;   1996:  77 races;   1999: 91 races;  2009: 174.

There was also the fact that with international competition and national championships in mind, the elite had to be catered for as well as the majority of athletes involved.   

Denis had a look at this and came up with a novel approach to the championship scene.   A championship where ‘all who will may enter’ regardless of their ability, standard or past record of success or non-success.   He describes the situation thus.  

The idea of splitting to 2 calendars was ‘classics’ for the Elite (AND anyone else) but a top level championship… and a general punters Calendar for all the other (less classic) races that are all over the country ( Scotland!) with more ‘local appeal’… of course that could be used for the ‘Alternative Champs’…??!!
So 3 or 4 things…
1. Keep the elites as good as they could be or become…
2. Focus on classics and also rotate to help any erosion concerns
3. Try and attract ‘visiting runners to brilliant events’
4. Allow top level management., and a team to manage a lower key ‘people’s events calendar’ 

We are lucky to have a fair bit of the correspondence of the first year of this championship and as far as possible the story of that inaugural alternative championship in 1996 will be told using that documentation.   Read on …

The above letter dates 18th February, 1996,was distributed by Denis to all fellow hill-runners.   The letter and the scheme were self-explanatory. The next steps would be to see if there was a big enough number of participants to make it viable; if there were, to notify the governing body, find someone to do the donkey work of organising and recording the performances – and if it were possible to find a sponsor.   The entries came pouring in to Torrance and that answered the first point.    Many of the replies contained suggestions such as – “How about downhill only races?”   Some from friends and rivals involved scurrilous banter but most complimented him on a great idea.   A small selection below. 

 There are in this life many who see a problem and live with it.   Denis is of the school which believes that something can be done by anybody about anything.   This Alternative Championship was his  attempt to put a different slant as an alternative to give credit to runners who maybe never ever got into any top ten results.   I remember sitting at the top of the drop down into Glen Ample in the Stuc a Chroin race where the runners had toiled up from Strathyre and one of the runners from my own club smiled as she passed and said that we supporters were part of the team.   She was one of many who raced on the hills all year, who had to train long hours to be fit enough to do long, medium and short hills, pay her way every time and finish with a smile.   There are many like that on the hill running scene.  

There was a short article in ‘The Scottish Hill Runner’ of June 1996 which read:

“As you all know from the last newsletter I’ve been ‘off the wall’ a bit (what’s new?) and started to promote The Alternative Championship, some want to call it the ‘punter’s championship, and I’m pleased to report that to date 41 of you have responded to my offer…. THANKS.   The deadline for entry to my database was 30/4/96, however I’ll still take latecomers for another couple of weeks  … say 17/5/96.   It looks like the biggest problem will be to get results from the race organisers … any RO’s please , please note, I’d be very grateful if you’d help get results to me.   

I hope that you’ll all remember the very generous offer from Scottish Hill Runners that they will use some of your funds to sponsor the prizes, although I also know that the intention is to give all participants some kind of commemoration for the season’s races.   


The letter having been sent out, entries received and the deadline extended, it was  decided that all runners, regardless of position, were to receive a certificate.   Note the comment above about a commemoration being donated by the SHR.  Many races at the time awarded a certificate – Ben Nevis, Tom Scott, Mamore Hill, etc – and the appropriate certificate was designed.

For the other two issues noted above, it was clear right from the start that entries were to him and he had also volunteered to produce a spreadsheet with the results and keep it up to date.   The scheme was ‘up and running’.   All that was required now was the results rom all the races.   In the days of typewritten results (handwritten on occasion) these were not always easy to obtain on the day.   This meant sending out polite requests bbut Denis was up to the job –

After all that – and the race organisers were all very co-operative – at the end of the season, the spreadsheet was complete and one is reproduced below.

There were some problems in getting complete results sheets and again Denis went into letter writing mode, firing out polite epistles to race organisers and eventually getting the information that he needed to produce the final result.   The results shown below indicate a wide range of participants and their categories.   It really was a championship for the solid, hard running, week-in/week-out competitors who make the sport what it is.

It had been a success due to Denis’s efforts – as well as to the runners who entered, who paid their money, and supported the initiative.  

Come and Try Days

Denis says: Chris Menhennet had the great idea for ‘Come & Try’ and I helped her carry it off at Old Kilpatrick Bowling Club.   As I recall about 15 ‘turn ups’ and about 6-8 of us worthies.
We did basic introductory stuff and explained the concept of hill running and the organisation in place to assist…I cannot remember if it was still Scottish Hill Running Association, or Hill Running Commission (the fully affiliated SAL organisation).   We covered stuff like essential equipment (PBs really at the time), and bumbag, top coverings, then maps and compass etc…and a few countryside craft hints and tips ( eating and drinking etc) all very low key.
We were trying to enthuse ‘new runners’ to hill running, and I recall ‘most’ had some jogging running experience, though generally ‘little’.   We set off in small groups to do easy runs up into the Kilpatricks and those were very canny ‘social’ groups ( I remember in mine I got them to do a wee scree run descent for fun).   
We had a nice social back at the club rooms and had grub and drinks. I think it was likely a modest £2-3 if I recall  We were targeting increasing numbers (Scottish Hill Runners, HRC…) and getting more ladies and youngsters into our sport. At the time we maybe had 250 members across Scotland, few women and even less juniors…
I don’t recall if we replicated this anywhere else, but we enjoyed it!
And the SHRA magazine thought that it had been a terrific success too.   The report in their magazine was enthusiastic.   It read:
Report on “Come and Try” Hill Running: an Introductory Day to the Sport.    Date: Sunday, 18th April, 1993.   10:30 – 3:30Organisers Christine Menhennet,  Denis Bell and Brian Edridge.   Sponsor: Scottish Athletics Federation.
It was decided to hold an introductory day to the sport of Hill Running, in an effort to spread some knowledge of our minority sport.    This would be the first event of its typein British hill running.   We are always interested in recruiting new participants and this event was to be organised in such a way as to cater from everyone from the total beginner to the trained athlete.   All age groups were welcomed and, of course, both sexes.
Publicity for the event commenced three weeks before the day it was to be held.   A3 sized posters (apporx35 were placed in sports centres and sports shops around Glasgow;an A4 sized flyer was circulated to most of teh West District clubs (those clubs most distanced from Glasgow were not notified)   Adverts were placed in the Glasgow South and Eastwood Echo, Paisley and Renfrew Times, the Clydesider and the Scottish Hill Runner.   All publications gave date, venue, content and phone numbers for further information.   We received 4 phone calls prior to the day when 20 people attended, of whom 14 were totally new to hill running, and included 2 women, 2 juniors and 10 senior men.
The day commenced with tea and biscuits followed by a brief welcome and introduction given by Christine.   Denis then gave a 35 minute talk entitled “What is Hill Running?” covering topics such as the sport’s organisation, terrain covered, distances and heights covered , the people involved the hazards involved and the championship structure.   Christine followed with a talk of similar length entitled “Shoes and Equipment” dealing with clothes, shoes, safety, navigation and diet.   
A run was planned for 12:00 noon but first we wanted to offer some inspiration, and using the Bowling Club’s huge video screen, we showed Llesley Kirkwood’s video of the 1991 Carnethy Hill Race “Friends in High Places”.   Everyone volunteered for the ensuing hill runsuitably inspired by the scenes of mud and gore!
Brian Edridge of Clydesdale Harriers led the run with assistance from other members of the same club.   The total time out was 1 1/2 hours and the route took participants over the Kilpatricks plateau to Duncombe Hill and back with a choice of two routes, one slightly easier than the other.   The terrain offered a variety of tussock, track, bog, scree and heathery path – altogether a good introduction.   After a wash and change, runners helped themselves to a buffet lunch, during and after which videos were shown covering a range of events including both short, sharp and endurance events.   This led to some general discussion and questions with the more experienced hill runners present offering advice and information.   Denis wound up the day’s events with a prize draw and concluding comments.   Everyone was asked to fill in a “Feedback Sheet” and help themselves to handouts and calendars available at the display boards.   
This was a friendly, informal event and judging from the feedback sheets was very well received by those who turned up.   Future improvements would include advertising to a wider target group eg climbing clubs and orienteering clubs and a possible future promotion in one of the widely read local newspapers.   For a fist time event however, the numbers were just about right.
The total cost of the training day was £270.   A nominal £2/head was charged.   Finally Clydesdale Harriers are pleased to have had 3 of the course attenders , all of whom have since attended hill training sessions and hill races.
Christine and Denis would like to thank the following people/organisations for their help:   Scottish Athletics Federation, Brian Edridge, Shelagh King, Old Kil[patrick Bowling Club, Ian Murphy, Mary Bell, Gavinburn Farm, Jim Shields, Lesley Kirkwood.
Brian Edridge, Christine Menhennet and Ian Murphy

Denis Bell’s Pictures: 1

Denis has had a wonderful in the sport of athletics – particularly in hill running.   First as a competitor, then as administrator, then as international team manager and always as a publicist, recruiting sergeant and proselytiser for the sport.   We have some of his photographs here and the first six are of the  Snowdonia Marathon.  Of the first of which he says: “

With Malcolm Jones, near Beddgelert,   he adds “good form, and then broken and having been overtaken (1/2 mile to go?), and this is 3-400m from finish line!”

“Turning the screws” heading towards halfway: there were, he recalls, two drink stations which were not properly set up when I went through them


By now, broken clear of Jones


A few hundred yards to go …

The winner, Mike Neary

Denis has tremendous praise to offer for Mike Neary and for this run.   He says: “The climbing in this marathon is ‘a lot’ and for all ‘normal folks’ possibly a ‘10 minutes added penalty’…makes Mike Neary’s 2.25 a superb run, by any account. (Jeff Norman , by the way was the previous record holder at 2.31]  

Chap with cup and dark hair -beard is Dave Woodhead ( he, and wife Eileen) great stalwarts in FRA. 

With winner Mike Neary who ran a course record of 2:25 beating Jeff Norman’s existing time.


No 22 in Scottish vest in woodland..  Berchtesgaden…WMRT.

Scottish vest race walk up stones path was going up onto Grisedale Pike at Keswick wmrt


On my knees.. after Carnethy, 1993, 1st vet..
1st: N Wilkinson 48:47; J Wilkinson 50:02; D McGonigle 50:12 … 10th I Murphy 53:35; 181h , first vet Denis 53:35   1st Lady Helene Diamantides 61:56; 2nd Lady Chris Menhennet 63:20; 3rd Lady Chris Whalley 65:38.

Head down coming up long slope   on the Lomonds of Fife

In Help [Help stands for Haddiigton East Lothian Pacemakers which was his first and only club] vest about to turn off road  Two Breweries before heading to Trahenna Hill Race no 227 ( ditto one on road with shadow)

Meall a Bhuchaille got a disappointing 3rd vet which just got me Scottish Vet Champ gold 

Going up Carnethy 5 in front of Mark Rigby (and a string of others)

On Lammerlaw Cairn (I’m rhs) with great friend Dave Jonesand Henry Muchamore towards left with skip cap…

Chasing Peter Marshall (Help light blue shorts) coming off North Berwick Law  (mid-week evening race: Peter was Scottish Vets Champion 5 years in a row.

Edinburgh Marathon

Edinburgh Marathon 1984

Above: Emma Gorman inaugural Girls u18 Champ Ambleside British Jnr Champs ( hosted by FRA)
Below: John Brooks descending towards wall loup at same champs and u18 boys inaugural champ too…


Hugh McGinlay


Veteran, Master, Harrier, Athlete, a rose by any other name is just as sweet, an tae tell the truth a hae been/am the hale jing bang show, an a wis a late entrant tae the runnin’ scene! Came in via the marathon boom via the Fa’kirk Vics an wi’ the late Jimmy Kelly, The Scoattish Vets. We lined up wi’ the elite, Jimmy sayin’ we are the elite.

I am a road runner, a’ else is a bonus, I enjoy the challenge of the road, the camaraderie of the packed dressing rooms, before and after the race.

The track I came to, in some measure to get out of the slipstream of Willie Marshall. I had done the miles had the strength, the stamina, so why no the track? It wis a breeze – a’ a had tae dae wis suss oot the field, hing in ahint taking the pace, an then belt it fur the tape, an a’ did no too bad at that, even at British level.

The X/C, noo that is a different story, it wis a’ hard work an a wis at the tail end, aye even wi’ the lassies, bit yin event at Cupar in 2004 lives wi’ me; demanding course, the weather inclement in the extreme, runners packin a’ o’er the place. Jean worried tae hell aboot me, whar wis a, hoo wis ’ getting oan? She wis reassured I was being monitored personally through the hale course, tremendous.

You disappoint me, you aquiesced (ma Higher Englis), lay doon, hid intransigent (Highers again) polis destroy the road racing scene, changed courses, unsocial start times introduced.

The Rt. Hon Dennis Canavan, a title richly deserved, is a quality road runner, records better times than I, agreed wi ma disquiets; unsuccessful in remedy, bit then he had a helluva load oan his plate.

Our government sought tae house the Tour de France. a’ve written ma MSP tellin him that, if they’re so minded, then let’s resuscitate the Edinburgh to Glasgow Road Relay! Noo jist let a’ youse yins dae the same, an dae we nae hae professionals whom we pay tae dae the same?

The Scottish Athlete of the year is undoubtedly Fiona Matheson.

A’ve tell’t oor committee ma disquiets re 9 a.m. start. Noo a ken it’s no easy, administerin, bit a suggest a 1:30pm start fur The British lOK a la Xmas H/Cap. Gie a’body a chance tae participate! Try getting frae Edinbro Toon withoot a caur oan a Sunday! An that’s jist Edinburgh, there’s Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen etc.

Finally, The Scoattish Vets his enriched oor lives in so many ways. We are hingin in, hence the letter an’ thanks again. Hugh McGinlay Falkirk Victoria, Scottish Veteran Harriers  Newsletter, April 2013

                    Masters athletes at Grangemouth in 2017 including 91-year-old Hugh McGinlay of Falkirk Vics (photo by Alex Barr)

FIONA MATHESON, a World Masters Champion, knows her Falkirk club-mate Hugh very well.

“Hugh never ceases to amaze me with his positive attitude to life and what he is able to achieve despite his age (94). He is kind, thoughtful and has a heart of gold.

When I phoned him today (October 2020) he was busy doing his daily exercises, as his running has been curtailed slightly, due to plantar fasciitis but he was still managing to get a fair bit of walking in. Hugh is eagerly preparing and hopeful of competing in a track indoor season next year followed by a summer track season. When his plantar fasciitis eases, he has a great wee route near to where he lives that he has mapped out for his efforts.

Hugh mentioned that he is managing to sleep well which is a huge benefit and the secret to that, apart from his active life-style. is a hot toddy before bed! 

I am not sure how much people know about how Hugh got interested and involved in sport, so here is a little bit of background.

Hugh enjoyed physical education as a boy from football to rowing, and most of his career seems to be based around looking to source or improve facilities that were or were not available over the years, in a variety of different disciplines from badminton, tennis, squash, canoeing, hockey etc in the local and surrounding areas.

He was a founder of the local Sports Council and one of the projects he was involved in was introducing long distance canoeing on the canal from Glasgow to Edinburgh.

Hugh started running in 1982 when he ran the Glasgow Marathon for charity. However he had hurt his leg, prior to running, while playing squash but, because he was running for charity and people had pledged money, he decided to run and managed a time of 4 hr 5 mins and 30 secs Hugh recalls. He wonders to this day what time he might have run without a sore leg!

Hugh sounded in great form today and seemed quite upbeat: he is a colourful character with so much positivity it’s refreshing!”

JANETTE STEVENSON, another World Masters Champion (and Falkirk club-mate), remembered: I got involved in running in 1984. There was an initiative between Woman’s Own Magazine and Nike the sportswear company to get women into running.  It was rolled out countrywide in sports centres and was augmented by a weekly training programme in the magazine. It started in April 1984 and the objective was to run a 10K in September.

So I turned up at Grangemouth Sports Complex along with about 20 or so other ladies all keen to be trained.  It was raining of course and we thought

They would let us run round the gym – nice and dry. But the coach I always remember this, said, “If you don’t run in the rain in this country – you don’t run!”, and he opened the doors and shoved us out to run half a mile round the park.  The training was twice weekly and one of the coaches was veteran runner Hugh McGinlay.  Most of us managed to run the 10K and I think my time was 54.09.  After the race, Ian Cluggie  a coach at Falkirk Victoria asked us if we would be interested in jogging with the club so I started training and the rest is history.

Hugh McGinlay, 92, retired recreation officer, from Falkirk (July 2018 The Herald)

I was 56 when I first ran the Glasgow Marathon in 1982. I had been playing squash and had an injury and shouldn’t have run, but I did it anyway. I completed it in four hours and five minutes. I thought: ‘I did that with a bad leg. I’ll try it again.’ The next one I did in three-and-a-half hours.

And I just kept going. Why running? It’s simple. I just put my gutties on, go out the door and run wherever I want to. I have done marathons, half marathons and 10k races.

I had never run on the track in my life, but I decided to give it a go when the British Championships were held in Edinburgh [in 1984]. I won a gold in 1500m and silver in the 5000m.

I have always been competitive. If I go out the door, I have a stopwatch in my hand. I like setting myself different challenges. Running the long, straight canal in Falkirk where I live is boring; I prefer a course with hills and bends.

I’m a full-time carer for my wife Jean, but I go running any chance I get. She has always supported me, and I couldn’t have run without her. When I was misdiagnosed with epilepsy, for three years she drove me all over the country so that I could compete.

Sport is my life. The volunteers – the marshals, timekeepers, people handing out drinks – are all wonderful. I hope to be competing at the FPSG Scottish National Masters Track and Field Championships in Grangemouth next weekend in the 90+ age group over 400m, 800m and 1500m.

(During his long, very active life, Hugh has also been a canoe instructor, mountain leader, hockey player and an expert rifle shooter. Throughout Scotland, he cycled on a tandem with his wife Jean and they climbed many hills together. At the Glasgow Marathon, he won two McRobert Thistle trophies. In addition, for fifteen years he was a Sports Officer with Falkirk Council.)

Power of 10 statistics: Hugh McGinlay

M70: In 2000, he won the Scottish Veterans 1500m title on outdoor track.

M75: between 2001 and 2003, Scottish Vets outdoor titles at 800m (three times) and1500m (twice). Scottish Vets indoor wins at 800m and 3000m. British Vets outdoor title at 10,000m. British Vets indoor titles at 800 m (twice), 1500m (twice) and 3000m. Won the M75 Scottish Veterans Cross-Country title in 2002 and 2004.

M80: Scottish indoor titles at 800m and 1500m, plus first in the SVHC Andrew Forbes Memorial 10,000m.

M85: Scottish outdoor titles at 400m and 800m and probably indoor ones too. First in his age group at the 2011 Great Scottish 10km.

M90: Scottish Masters outdoor titles at 400m and 800m.

UK yearly rankings include twice first in M85 400; three times first in M85 800m; plus one first at M85 10k; and twice first at M90 800.


Hugh McGinlay knew well and was a fervent admirer of even older Scottish Veteran Harrier greats like John Emmet Farrell, Gordon Porteous and David Morrison. Now his achievements can be added to the feats of these stars. 



Helene, Tricia, Tracey, Lyn


 The Carnethy Hill Runners Hall of Fame lists some of Helene’s main hill running achievements (others have been added here):

 Diamantides, Helene:
In 1988 she won both the women’s events in the 31 km Mount Cameroon race and the Mount Kinabalu race in Borneo.

Bob Graham Round 1988: Woman’s record set.
Paddy Buckley Round 1989: Outright record set (2 hours faster than the Men’s)

Charlie Ramsay Round 1989: Woman’s record set.
GB Mountain Running International 2003 (team bronze medal)
Scottish Hill Running International
Scottish Ladies Hill Running Champion 1993
(for Westerlands CCC)
Lakeland Classic Ladies Champion 2006
Former holder of Everest base-camp to Kathmandu record 1987
Overall winner of first Dragons Back race in 1992; first Woman in 2012

In 1964, Helene was born in North Yorkshire, but lived in Ghana and then Greece (where, as a teenager, she competed internationally in the pentathlon) before returning to England and Durham University, where she took up fell running.

In 1996, she graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University as a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy. While studying in the city, Helene raced for Westerlands CCC at cross-country and hill running. She trained more seriously, influenced by GB international triathlete and hill runner Jack Maitland and especially Martin Hyman, a former British 10,000m international and excellent orienteering coach. Consequently, Helene became a much better athlete. She won the 1995 Scottish West District cross country title and felt honoured to run for Scotland at cross country.

Naturally, she was selected to race for Scotland in the 1995 World Mountain running Trophy in Edinburgh.

For Great Britain, she contributed to two team bronze medals (1996 and 1997) in the IAU European 100 Kilometres Road Championships. She said later, “At the time, I was running for Fife AC, and the club supported me brilliantly. On Sunday runs, half the runners would come out for the first couple of hours with me and we would meet the other half at my house and they would do a couple more hours training with me. I fed them all afterwards.”

In 1987, Helene and fellow fell-runner Alison Wright went to Nepal to attempt to break the record for running from Everest Base Camp to Kathmandu. This is a 188-mile (303 km) route which includes 42,000 feet (13,000 m) of ascent. Both women completed the route in a record of 3 days, 10 hours.

How far were some of her longer hill events? Like ‘The Big 3 Rounds’ she completed in 1989. Here are details from Wikipedia:

The Bob Graham Round is 66 miles long, over 42 Lake District Peaks. Helene’s time was 20 hours 17 minutes

The Paddy Buckley Round is just over 100km long, over 47 summits in Snowdonia, Wales. Helene’s time was 20 hours 8 minutes.

The Ramsay Round is 58 miles long, over 24 summits (including 22 Munros) with a total climb of around 28,500 feet. Helene’s time was 20 hours 24 minutes

In 1992, with Martin Stone, Helene Diamantides entered The Dragon’s Back Race a new 220-mile (350 km) five-day race across the length of Wales; she and Stone won the race in 38 h 38 min. This event was held again in 2012, and Helene Whitaker finished fourth overall and First Woman.

Helene won the Borrowdale Fell Race four times; set a course record in the 1990 Wasdale Fell Race; and set another record in the 1992 Langdale Horseshoe.

Representing Scotland, she raced in the European Mountain Running Trophy in 1999 and 2000, finishing second Scot on both occasions.

In the World Mountain Running Trophy, for Scotland, she was first Scot in 1993 (29th overall) and 1994 (25th). She finished second Scot in 1995 (21st), 1997 (17th) and 2000 (38th)

In 2003, she ran for Great Britain in the World Mountain Running Championship (held in Trento, Italy) and contributed to team bronze medals.

Helene has said the following (in her chapter of the excellent book ‘It’s A HILL, get OVER IT’ by Steve Chilton):

As to inspirations, Helene cites Ros Coats, mostly for the way she broke down boundaries and her attitude.

Helene admits to being desperately competitive: “I am glad I found a sport where that is okay in females. Anyone in front of me I would have a go at. The pleasure is being out there, if I can win so much the better. If I do my best, that is better than winning.”

She admires and is impressed by Angela Mudge: “Her statistics impress me. She is so far under any other woman’s percentage off the men’s records, which is absolutely outstanding.

Helene reckons that her ability to run uphill and downhill has changed over time. She was definitely a downhill demon. She used to love hammering down the hills, and could catch most people, men included. Now she counts on being able to climb past people.

Physiological testing proved that, although her VO2 max was not high, she could sustain a high level of performance, close to the threshold, for very long periods of time. “I was just incredibly efficient. I use a Heart Rate monitor now to keep close to the maximum but not to go over it, to get the best out of myself.”

Her greatest achievements? “Dragon’s Back certainly is what I am built for, physiologically as well as psychologically. The strategy of trying to get yourself from A to B in good nick day after day, that suits me, I enjoy it. I really enjoyed my solo unsupported Bob Graham Round. It was probably the best day out in the hills I ever had. I was running at my pace, I didn’t feel pushed really, I could eat when I wanted to, not when the pacers wanted.”

Getting a Scottish vest at cross-country was a real honour. I am old-fashioned in that when I put on a vest I will kill myself as it is such an honour to be selected. Even being selected by Yorkshire at the age of 47 was a real thrill.”



Tricia Calder, a farmer’s wife from Duns, is establishing herself as one of the best all-round women distance runners in Scotland. Her recent performances on the road and at cross-country have been outstanding, but it is on the hills that Tricia really excels. She is the current Scottish Women’s Hill-Running Champion, having scored the maximum possible points in the 1989 Scottish Championship races. She was also a member of the Scottish Women’s team at the World Cup Hill Races in France last summer. (She contributed to Scottish team bronze medals in the 1988 and 1990 World Mountain Running Championships and finished first Scot in this fixture four times between 1988 and 1992, with a best position of 6th. She was also Scottish W35 XC Champion in 1989. Racing for Scotland, she won the Snowdon Mountain International in 1990 and 1992. Tricia was British Fellrunning Champion in 1990; and won the Scottish Hill Running title in 1989, 1990 and 1991.)

Tricia tell us about herself and her running career:

“I ran a bit of cross-country and school sports, but the thing that started me running again at the age of 30 was the challenge of the marathon. A friend of mine had already completed one and I thought, like hundreds of others, that maybe I could do it. My first marathon was Edinburgh, which I finished in a time of 3 hours 25 minutes in 1983. My longest training run had been about 11 miles, which then I thought was a long way. Crossing the line after my first marathon was the greatest feeling. Mind you, an hour later I couldn’t have run for my life. But I was hooked. The next year at Edinburgh the times was 3 hours 2 minutes; and my PB for the distance is 2 hours 48 minutes set in Dundee.

My training would be a coach’s nightmare! I don’t keep a diary. Although I can see the benefits, I just don’t seem to have time. I never run with a stop-watch (don’t have one). I try to keep some sort of schedule to my training, although it can be difficult between everything else. I know my fellow women athletes will know what I mean. I used to stop completely between November and February. The reason for this was a horse called ‘The Divider’. My father bred him and I broke him in as a two-year-old. I have always been involved with racing, having ridden point-to-point when I was young, free and had no brains. I’m now old, married and still have no brains, so I run on the hills instead.

I have had a permit for the last 6 years to train racehorses under National Hunt rules (over jumps, not on the flat). If any of you have ever had anything to do with stock, especially racehorses, you will know that they take a lot of time to look after. They are four-legged athletes. It was quite handy being fit, particularly going to Ayr Racecourse. The odd time the horse did have a bad run, I could be found running in the opposite direction to the angry punters. Ask Danny Wilmoth about that one!

Getting back to running, Peter Marshall persuaded me to start running in the hills. I don’t know whether to be grateful or not. 1988 was my first season and I found the hills very challenging and never boring. You are usually trying to stay upright in a Force 10 gale or find a checkpoint in pea-soup fog. There are a few bonuses though: great friendships and some of the best countryside to run over and enjoy.

Having never been great at planning ahead, the only think I would like for the future would be to stay injury-free, to run in the World Cup hill-running team again – and I would like to run the Everest Marathon.”

(Racing for Scottish Veterans, Tricia was the leading Scot in the first two British Veteran International Cross-Country events. In 1988, she won individual and team silver; and added another individual and team silver in 1989. In 1992, Tricia Calder (Edinburgh AC) ran as a Senior for Scotland in an International 10k road race in Cardiff, when the Scottish Women’s team won, defeating England, Wales and Ireland.)


TRACEY BRINDLEY won Individual Silver in the 2011 Commonwealth Mountain Running Championships.

                                                                        Tracey Brindley (Ochil Hill Runners)

Racing for Scotland, she won Individual Gold in the Snowdon Mountain International in 2002.

She won the Scottish Hill Running Championship in 2005 and 2011.

Between 1997 and 2004, Tracey Brindley (Aberdeen AAC and Carnethy HRC) ran for Scotland four times on cross country and once on the road.

In the World Mountain Running Championships, racing for Scotland, Tracey Brindley won Individual Bronze in 2003 and Individual Silver in 2005. Along with Angela Mudge and Lyn Wilson, Tracey Brindley contributed to Team Gold in 2003.

In the European Mountain Running Championships, competing for GB, Lyn Wilson and Tracey Brindley secured Team Gold in 2005; they had already won Team Bronze in 2004.


“Tracey Brindley (born 25th August 1972) is a British runner who has been a medallist at the World Mountain Running Trophy and a national fell-running champion.

Racing for Scotland, Brindley won the individual bronze and a team gold medal at the World Trophy in Girdwood, Alaska, in 2003. Once more racing for Scotland, she improved her individual result to second place at the 2005 World Trophy, which was held in Wellington.

Racing for GB, she won the over-35 Women’s race at the World Masters Mountain Running Championships in 2007 and (for Scotland) finished second in the mountain race at the Commonwealth Mountain and Ultra-distance Running Championships in 2011.

Domestically, Brindley’s fell race wins include the Three Peaks and Snowdon. In 2004 she was both British Fell-running Champion and Scottish Athletics Hill-running champion.

She has also competed in road running, winning the Morpeth to Newcastle Road Race in 1999 and the Inverness Half Marathon in 2001.”

 Tracey Brindley seems to have specialised in hill racing from about the year 2000. It is interesting to discover earlier running successes.

 Tracey A. BRINDLEY (born 25.08.72) Aberdeen

PBs: 1500 – 4.44.95; 3000 – 9.53.2; 5000 – 16.44.63.

East District: 5000 gold 1997 and 1998.

Senior National XC Championships: AAAC: team silver 1994 (TB 21st); 1999 team gold (Tracey Brindley secured individual silver).

National 10k Road: 2004 Tracey Brindley (Carnethy HRC) won individual gold; for AAAC, a silver medal in 1997.

East District XC: Individual bronze 1997 and 1998. AAAC team gold in 1998. AAAC also won East District XC Relays in 1997 and 1998.

 Scottish International appearances 1997-2004.

Road: 1. 2004 Brussels Ekiden Relay: TB ran 10k. Scotland finished second to Ireland but beat Belgium and France.

XC: 4. 1997 Home International at Margate. Tracey finished 15th (first Scot). 1998 Home International at Margate. Tracey was 27th (first Scot). 1999 Home International at Belfast. She finished 23rd (third Scottish counter) and Scotland lost to England but beat Ireland and NI. 1999 International Match at Margate. She was 23rd (second Scot). Scotland lost to England and France but beat Wales.



Between 2004 and 2008, LYN WILSON (Carnethy HRC) ran for Scotland once on the road and once on cross country. She ran for Scotland in the World Mountain Running Championships and for Great Britain in the European event. In the 2002 Snowdon Mountain International, Scotland (Tracey Brindley, Lyn Wilson and Jill Tate) won Team Gold.







Lairig Ghru Race


I am sometimes asked to recommend races to overseas runners who are going to visit our shores. Assuming they aren’t 100m specialists but REAL runners, The Lairig Ghru race (which is nowadays organised by the Deeside Runners Club) would be my top pick. It really IS a classic, being a point-to-point – from Braemar to Aviemore – which follows a famous old route / drove road, and is well known to hill-walkers and mountaineers. Although it’s described as a hill race, it’s not one of those events where you have to ascend and descend vertically like some (old) mountain goat; rather it’s a long-distance trail race, 28miles in total, with some tarmac on the first and last stages, and 640m ascent.

The first 4 miles being on tarmac ease you gently into the race. But for the rest you’re running through some of the highest mountains in the country, and the scenery is spectacular. Admiring the scenery has to be balanced against watching your footing, though, as the path is narrow and awkward in many places, including the famous boulder-field at the highest point, the Pools of Dee… but you’re probably needing to take it a bit slower by then, being just past half way.

The weather (June) is very important, as it can get seriously hot in the pass. (It can also get seriously wet of course.)

Two of my three attempts were in hot conditions: the first time I took on too much water from the many burns and got water-logged; the second time I drank too little, got dehydrated and tired, and took a fall which smashed my dark glasses (which I really need). Times were very poor.

My third – and final – attempt (2006) started ominously, as the sun was melting the pavements when we drove out from Dundee, but as we passed the Glenshee ski centre the weather changed, bringing cloudy conditions and a temperature of only 14C. This time things went well, despite a spectacular flying fall into the heather on the way down, where a large rock made a nasty and long-lasting impression on my chest. Although the temperature was rising noticeably by this stage, I carried on okay to finish in 3 hours 54, which I was pretty chuffed with (aged 59). I then had to persuade the race staff to sell me a race T-shirt on tick, as I was locked out of our team car and had no money and no dry clothes! But it’s a very nice shirt and I still wear it.

About 15 years ago the field-size had dropped to only 60 or 70 runners, which was rather low for such a great race, and which increased the chances of having to run on your own for much of the route… a tough gig.

These days things are much healthier, with 220 in the 2017 race, 25% of them women. (Special note for Vets: 60% of the field this year were over 40.)

In summary, this is an event that every long-distance runner in Scotland should do at least once. Even if you don’t get the time that you were hoping for, just to reach the other end seems such an achievement that you feel entitled to bore your friends with the tale for ages afterwards!

Mel Edwards from Aberdeen wrote “In 1975, a classic race was born – Eddie Campbell’s Lairig Ghru, 28 miles of the roughest, toughest terrain around. Eddie (a great character who was a legendary Ben Nevis racer) had been telling us about his plan at other hill races. It turned out to be a beautiful day and thirteen bold heroes lined up outside Braemar police station, just after 11 a.m. on June 19th. Eddie’s race briefing went like this, “Thanks for turning up, lads. Now this is the start, and we’re going to run through the Lairig to Coylumbridge, turn left and finish at Aviemore Police Station. It’s about 28 miles. Ready? GO!” We all thought, “Hey, wait a minute, what about marshals, drinks, race numbers…” but off we set. Andy Pratt won in 3.12.40 with me a minute behind, and Andy’s time remained a record for almost 20 years.”

Colin Youngson added: In 1986, somewhat miraculously, I actually finished first (by four minutes from Lochaber AC’s Peter Brooks) in this adventure race, despite a) going off course after Derry Lodge and b) hitting the ‘wall’ before Coylumbridge, due to the temperature in the Lairig reaching 83 degrees Fahrenheit. The Police Station in Aviemore was at the far end of town, after a long gradual rise. I plodded painfully slowly up the right-hand pavement until opposite the ‘finishing line’ and was so knackered that some kind person had to escort me across the busy road and let me slump over a fence in the shade! I stayed there for some time but, after a couple of pints, recovered….Must have been about half an hour slower than the record, though.”)


Another great mountain race, one of the real classics, is the Mountain Peaks Race.   Read Tom O’Reilly’s account of his participation   here