Edinburgh to Glasgow: Some First Stage Pictures

Donnie Bain (FVH) and Adrian Callan (Springburn)

Same race: Dougie Bain and Adrian Callan (Springburn)

1958: Billy Goodwin (Bellahouston) and George White (Clydesdale)

Gordon Nelson, Bellahouston, 1958

1959: Billy Goodwin (Bellahouston) and J Ewing (Victoria Park)

Alistair Blamire, (EU H&H) leading Ian Binnie (VPAAC)  in 1965


Both above from 1982: 19 Tommy Wiseman, 5 Robert McWatt, 13 Donald Macgregor, 9 Nigel Jones, 



1984: Hugh McKay (5), Adrian Callan (18), Simon Axon (21), Iain Steele (8), Donnie Bain (10) and Alan Currie

Paul Dugdale, Adrian Weatherhead, Mark Wallace (VPAAC) and Jim Orr ,Cambuslang, 1986

First stage: 1987

Lachie Stewart and David McMeekin on the first stage in 1987

At the end of stage one the long drag up from the Barnton Roundabout to the top and the ‘One Mile to Go’ sign really sorted out the field.   This is the view supporters got when looking back down for their runner.

Andy Daly had broken away from the group he was running with at this point

Withe Andy gone, Ian Archibald leads the chasing group with Jim Dingwall dropping off.


1990: Great shot posted by A Laird on Graham’s website