John Brown: Barcelona Village, Accommodation and Stadium

Almost every athlete in every event wants to compete at the Olympics.   There is an assumption that the athletes will have excellent accommodation, facilities and so on but no one who isn’t or hasn’t been involved can really know.  One coach at a Scottish Development squad told the young (Under 17 and Under 20) athletes that it was not all fun and games at the Games.   They had to train, not live the high life, prepare for their event and, in short, painted a picture of an athlete like a monk in his cell.  No one really knows unless they’ve been there although the latter is unduly gloomy. The GB team in Barcelona was well provided for and had a Team Manager’s Administration Dossier.  Barcelona was John Brown’s second Olympics and he was very highly thought of for his thoroughness and for his ability to often see problems before they arose and take evasive action.   At Barcelona there were 43 countries taking part in athletics with top GB athletes being Linford Christie and Sally Gunnell.   

John saw the above mentioned dossier felt that he could add to the information contained therein and started by using the official picture of the team uniforms, he explained:

He organised the photographs with those dealing with the buildings in the village and the layout, went on to look at the accommodation provided for the athletes and ended with the warm-up, training and competition facilities.

We start with the externals.

Now to some of the interiors and furnishings: maybe spartan rather than luxurious?


Then John took a look at the competition, training and warm up areas