
Danny and Molly Wilmoth

The inclusion of officials and administrators in the website is because in the first place of the almost unbounded admiration and respect I have for those men and women who make the sport possible by officiating for many, many hours in all sorts of weather to enable our sport to go ahead.   When competitors mutter about the weather at a field events competition and dilly dally in getting their tracksuits off ( dragging out the competition, or cross-country runners assert their bravery in all kinds of weather, the officials start before the athletes and are out in the rain and often worse for the entire duration of the event.   Total respect is due.   Second, it is important to record the work done totally unpaid by all these stalwarts on behalf of the sport – the sheer quantity of time spent – the sacrifices of money and time – will be difficult for future generations to comprehend.   What they do needs to be noted.   We start with those below.

Arnold Black ] [ Willie Carmichael ] [ Ian Clifton ] [ Barry Craighead ] [ Barry Craighead’s Gallery ] [ Bob Dalgliesh ] [ George Dallas ] [ Andrew Dick ]  [ David Scott Duncan ] [ George Duncan ] [ Brian Goodwin ] [ John Hamilton ] [ John Hamilton’s Gallery ] [ Raymond Hutcheson ]  [ Tom Jack ][ Alex Jackson ] [ Ronnie Macdonald ]  [ Ron Morrison ] [ Jim Morton ]  [ Bob McSwein ] [ Kenny Phillips – official and administrator] [ Anna Poulton ] [Bobby Quinn ]   [ Leslie Roy ] [ Colin Shields ] [ James P Shields ] [ Graham Sword ]  [ Danny Wilmoth ] [ Danny Wilmoth’s Pictures ]